Peterborough Militaria Show and Sale

Peterborough Militaria Show and Sale

Saturday October 13 2018

8:30 AM to 2:00 PM

220 Murray Street Peterborough Armoury, ON

Admission $5.00/adult, children under the age of 12 free accompanied by an adult, Maximum charge $15.00/family

Located in the historic Peterborough Armoury, the Peterborough Militaria Show and Sale is a non-profit event which has attracted knowledgeable vendors and  collectors as well as members of the general public for many years. Expect to find a wide variety of military items and displays ranging from the modern to the antique.  Children 12 and under will receive a free miniature soldier curtesy of W. Britain’s and the Ontario Model Miniature Soldier Society.  The monies raised will be divided among the 3 local Cadet Corps as well as  the Yellow Ribbon Campaign ran by Darlene Loucks of Buckhorn. This campaign puts together “Care or Comfort” packages for Canadian troops deployed in places like Latvia, Iraq/Syria and Mali.